Thursday, April 30, 2009

Look at me!

Audrey isn't crawling yet, but she spends a lot of time on her tummy. Whenever we lay her down she flips over onto her belly. She can spin herself around 180 degrees to reach for things and she moves her arms and legs like crazy. Unfortunately, she still can't figure out how to return to her back when she gets tired.

She still enjoys spending time in the jumper.

Audrey always twists around into funny positions to watch us.

Audrey can't sit up on her own yet, so I sit with her and she leans back for support when she starts to wobble. She really likes to spin this ball which plays music and sings the alphabet. And daddy likes to press the letters to spell curse words.

This is what happened after sitting supported by the boppy pillow for a few minutes.

Try, try again.

Vtech makes the most irritating toys! Audrey loves them and plays with them really well so of course we let her play with them all the time and even buy her more. I hear the music to this toy in my sleep! "Ring around the tree top wonder where it's going to stop. It's a yellow bee. Can you buzz with me? Buzz. Buzz. Red. It's a red lady bug. Count my spots. 1-2-3. It's a blue bird can you sing with me? Tweet. Tweet. Bye, bye." Go to hell Vtech.

Audrey still spits up a lot. Isn't she lovely?
All cleaned up.

I love how she looks like a pretzel.

Let's see...Audrey's had sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, peas, green beans, zucchini, prunes (daily, for reasons we don't need to discuss), pears, peaches, rice cereal, and oat cereal. Fortunately, she's a great eater. I'm still making all of her baby food. I'm quite proud of the stash in the freezer. There are ziploc baggies filled with all the food that was frozen in ice cube trays. She gets 2-3 cubes plus cereal at every meal.

She's starting to really enjoy the exersaucer.

Look at that grip! Have I mentioned that she likes to rip out daddy's body hair? She get his arms, legs, back, chest, and beard.

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