Monday, June 21, 2010

Papa Shaved

Amber has been trying to get me to shave my beard for some time now. She got the bright idea that my paternity leave would be an ideal time for me to shave, since I have basically a month to regrow the beard before returning to work if I decide I want to.

Well, I went ahead and took the plunge and shaved it off. I'd had a beard since I went to India in 2006, and I'd had a goatee since college, in 1997.

Here's the "before" shot:

Here's just the goatee left. This is what I looked like in college.

Here's just the moustache. Hm. Not my style. Fun for a few minutes, but definitely creepy.

And finally, clean-shaven.

I think I like being clean-shaven. At least, for now. I'm going to keep it for awhile.

Audrey adapted amazingly well, and didn't seem to care whether her papa had a beard or not. I was careful to come downstairs for the first time with my face covered, and slowly unveil it to her, so she'd at least understand that I'm still the same person. She didn't seem to give it a second's notice.

Amber on the other hand had a great deal of difficulty adapting. She's just recently become completely comfortable with her 'new' husband ;)

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