Friday, June 11, 2010

2 weeks have flown by!

I can't believe my boy is 2 weeks old! Things have been very busy now that we have two kiddos to keep up with. Audrey seems to really show an interest in Ethan. It's like she thinks of him as another baby doll. She also had a blast hanging out with her Grandmas while they were here helping out. We really appreciate all they did for us!

Here's a little summary of Ethan's 2 week check up today:

Weight: 7lbs. 3.7 oz., 20th percentile. We were really happy with his weight. He was 6 lbs 15 oz when he was born, but dropped down to 6 lbs 9 oz. It's normal to lose some weight (up to 10%) those first few days, but they need to regain it by the 2 week mark. With his trouble nursing we weren't sure if he would make it. From now on he should be gaining about an ounce a day. He's getting enough to eat now, it's just taking a bunch of gimics to get him to nurse. Pain in the butt.

Height: 19.5 inches, 25th percentile. He was 19 inches when he was born.

Head Circumference: 36 cm, 25th percentile.

He has some blocked tear ducts that are causing him to have a lot of eye boogers. We just have to rub the ducts 4x a day. No big deal.

He's a pooping fool and all that fun stuff is causing him to have a little diaper rash. We are constantly changing him. We were told to try Crisco instead of diaper cream. She said the poo just runs right off of the Crisco. We also need to put Lotrimin AF on it 3x a day. It's an athlete's foot cream. She thought he looked like he might have a yeast problem and this would help it.

We need to start giving him 1ML of a vitamin a day. Poly-vi-sol, tri-vi-sol, or Vitamin D

He also got blood drawn from his heel for the Baylor Metabolic Screen.

His next checkup will be at 1 month. Just two weeks away.

Sorry, no pics today! We've been taking them, but need to find time to post a few.

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