Friday, September 11, 2009

Little Tornado

There are a few specific things that I pick up everyday and within minutes they are scattered all over the floor again!
One of Audrey's favorite activities is pulling all of the diapers out of this handy dandy diaper caddy that I keep in the living room. The upside is that it's cheap entertainment and doesn't come with irritating music. It also means I don't have to travel far to find a diaper since they're all over the floor.

Audrey also scatters her books all over the floor. As I've posted before, she spends lots of time just flipping through them. They're never in one pile for long. It amazes me how she carefully turns the pages one at a time, looks at all the pictures, and always has the book right side up.

And she tips her toy baskets over just to take every item out one at a time, spending about 3 seconds with each toy.

Oh, boy! Another shelf she can almost reach!

I may gripe, but the truth is that I laugh everytime she goes exploring. She seems so focused on the task at hand and I can tell that she's always learning something.

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