Saturday night was our first night at home. We were a little nervous about how it would go because at the hospital, Audrey hardly slept. She wouldn’t sleep in the hospital bassinet at all and would only sleep in your arms for about 15 minutes at a time. We went to bed and put Audrey in the bassinet next to my side of the bed. She woke up every 30-90 minutes. I would hear her cry (Chris was knocked out) and feed her if she was hungry or wake Chris and ask him to change her if she was dirty. I’m still on pain medication and getting up and down/walking isn’t very comfortable. After taking care of her she fell back asleep immediately. We turned on a teddy bear that makes “womb” sounds that Uncle Adam gave her and it seemed to help a lot. Waking up so frequently wasn’t exactly fun, but it wasn’t all that bad either. The next morning mom took her for 2 hours so we could sleep some more. They sat in the glider together while Audrey slept and mom watched some TV. We felt pretty good after getting the extra sleep.
Sunday flew by. My left eye started hurting really bad. The night before my eyes were dry, but now I was actually in some real pain. Mom took me to the walk in Redi-Clinic at HEB and Audrey stayed home with Chris. It was good that mom was there, because I’m not supposed to drive for a week. I had a corneal abrasion and was given an antibiotic ointment to put in my eye. My theory is that maybe I rubbed it too hard when I was tired. The nurse said that I nicked the crap out of it and it would have been infected by the next day had I not come in. While waiting for the prescription, mom picked out groceries to make us a chicken marsala dinner that night and she also surprised me with a pretty floral arrangement.
After coming back from HEB, the day really went quickly. I finally got my first shower since Wednesday and it felt wonderful. We ate dinner and took pictures with Audrey and also with the baby announcement sign in the yard that Perry got for us. Before I knew it, they were heading back home. She’s planning to come back later and stay for a week. I’m looking forward to it. I think we’ll have a lot of fun together with Audrey.

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