Things went really well. We really like the pediatrician, and they have an office both near the hospital (near NI) and one in Cedar Park near us. This was our first time at the Cedar Park location and it was very nice. Our appointment was at 8:45, which was pretty early for us. This was Audrey’s 2nd time in her carseat, which she likes once she’s in it, but gave me quite a fight until then.
The doctor said Audrey is doing fine. They took a blood test to be doubly sure of her jaundice; the test came back fine. We were also a little concerned about her cord since she occasionally has some bloody spotting there—most of her clothes have a little blood on them from the cord. The doctor took a look and said this was a normal part of the cord breaking down and nothing to be concerned about. Also, Audrey was weighed, and was up to 6.89, which is a slight improvement over her weight in the hospital.
After the visit to the pediatrician, Audrey had her first trip to the eye doctor. Amber quickly realized that the antibiotic given to treat her corneal abrasion did nothing for the pain she felt in her eye. Since Amber still can’t drive, we all had to go together. They made us wait an hour and a half to see the doctor, but Audrey slept through the whole thing. Amber got a prescription for some eye drops, so we took that to the pharmacy drive thru and went to have our first restaurant meal with the baby in order to kill time while we waited for the prescription. For this gourmet meal we went to Sonic and ate in the car. Finally, the prescription was ready and we made it home. We couldn’t believe how well Audrey did with all the running around today. We were basically gone from 8:00am to 2:00pm and she didn’t fuss one bit.
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