Audrey's 2nd birthday was this past Saturday. We really appreciated all the gifts and well-wishes, and especially all the family who made the long trek from Houston. Audrey had a great time.

The party was Kai-Lan themed, after Audrey's favorite TV show, "Ni Hao, Kai-Lan". We decorated with Kai-Lan party goods and had Chinese food--orange chicken, egg rolls, pot stickers and lo mein. Mommy also made chocolate-dipped fortune cookies with sprinkles.

The centerpiece of the spread was a beautiful cake Mommy and Christy made.

Audrey couldn't quite figure out how to blow out her candle this year. Mommy had to do it instead. I hope she remembered to make a wish.

I'd never seen toddlers devour a cake so quickly. I think this is the only time Amber's made a cake and there hasn't been leftovers. Daddy barely got a piece.

Mommy made Audrey a special plate to eat her birthday cake on every year. Last year's got damaged, so Mommy had to re-make it this year.

Mommy also made Audrey a shirt for the special day. She ordered a custom iron-on online with Kai-Lan, Audrey's name, and a big number two.

There were so many gifts opened so quickly that we could hardly keep track! Audrey is stocked up on toys for quite some time :) Thank you so much!!

Daddy got her this swan palace.

..and Mommy got her an etch-a-sketch. Mommy even drew on it ahead of time :)

The B-day girl hangin' with her friends.

It was really fun to see Kylie and Audrey together again.

Parties are so exhausting! I felt the same way when it was all over.
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