Audrey and her cousin, Kylie. They are so cute together. Audrey kept looking for her after they went home. She'd wake up from a nap or in the morning with a big grin and run around the house trying to find her.

Jen and I created masterpieces at Painting with a Twist.

Grandma with her babies

Perry knows how to win over this little girl. All it takes is a fancy I-Phone and Kai-Lan videos

Swim lessons

Ethan smiles now

Audrey won't go up to bed without giving her little brother a kiss.
Two of her favorite things...climbing into boxes and not wearing clothes.
Audrey climbing into Ethan's bouncer. The back is supposed to be about a foot off the ground, but she exceeded the weight limit long ago.

It eventually flipped over.

Chris got me a wine of the month club subscription to celebrate the end of pregnancy and nursing. My first bottle, a new wine glass, and a corkscrew I can finally use. It's called "screwpull".

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