She can pretty clearly say 'bye' and wave, which she does whenever anybody (herself included) climbs the staircase. She also does this when she sees the Price as Right models waving on TV and to everyone we pass as we leave a store.
She can clap (she's been doing this for awhile), and can drink from an adult cup if Mommy helps her, though she's still having trouble with the sippy cup. She finally drank 4oz from the sippy cup yesterday. Mommy drank water out of it for a few minutes and that made Audrey want it. After she wanted it so bad she was crying, Mommy replaced the water with milk and she happily drank up. It's the same story with the adult cup. Whenever Mommy has a glass of water she has to share it with the suddenly thirsty Audrey.
She also tries to dress herself, and makes attempts at putting on shirts and socks.
To illustrate her newfound talents, here's a few pictures, mostly taken on the same day within the course of an hour or so.
Here she is going through Mommy's wallet. She's an intrepid explorer and is now scaling the furniture. She can get onto the couch and chairs without help and sometimes even tries to climb up their backs. She also wants to get on top of the end tables once she makes it onto the couch. Mommy draws the line at end tables.
She likes to hand things back and forth. Usually toys, but Daddy's coke will do also.
Here's the aforementioned chair climbing. Note that both the chair and ottoman rock back and forth while she's doing this. She's absolutely fearless. The black footrest that she's standing on slides into the ottoman. If we slide it in, she knows how to pull it back out again.
She's building a fort behind the glider, where we can't easily reach her, and stockpiles all sorts of stuff there. Here she's pulled mail off the end tables and dragged it back there to add to her collection.
A brief intermezzo.
Here Daddy was laying on the couch watching a movie, and Audrey decided she wanted to hold the remote control. So she climbed onto the couch, then onto Daddy and took it by force. Force, meaning she pinches his nipples and pulls out his chest hair. Ouch!
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