My brother, Adam, married his love, Erika, on Monday Feb. 16 in Houston. These pictures are from the ceremony. Afterwards, we went to Corelli's Italian restaurant for a reception hosted by my mom. Their family and a few close friends were there. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures, but I'm sure someone will send me some (hint, hint!) and I'll post them. Everyone had a nice time and the newlyweds looked really happy. We're very excited for them as they start their new life together.

With this ring...

Time for kisses!

More kisses!

Signing the certificate
Chris sat with Audrey while I took some pictures. He later told me that she pooped noisily during the entire ceremony. Fortunately, no one else heard!

Adam didn't suspect a thing!

It's official!

Aw, the happy couple!

Still flying under the radar! Who would expect a cutie like this to be so naughty!
The rings

And they're off to the reception, then onto their honeymoon at Lake Conroe
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