Owen, Pegah, Molly, and Audrey. Molly couldn't get enough of Audrey. She wanted to hold her the entire time.

Molly and Owen love to pet Audrey.

Molly made me some macaroni art while Audrey and I watched Yo Gabba, Gabba. This is the one kid's show I know and that's just because they make fun of it on the Soup.

I "accidentally" forgot to take Molly's masterpiece when we left. The circles are balloons. I was pretty impressed with her gluing skills. She didn't spill any, even when she was filling the shells to the brim.

I "accidentally" forgot to take Molly's masterpiece when we left. The circles are balloons. I was pretty impressed with her gluing skills. She didn't spill any, even when she was filling the shells to the brim.
Molly took a front row seat to watch me nurse Audrey. I was a little worried about what she was going to say. When she finally spoke, she gave a big smile and said "Baby Audrey likes to eat you, Amber". She said this like it was the most logical thing in the world. Christy tried to explain to her "You get your milk from the refrigerator, but baby Audrey gets her milk from Amber". Molly looked at Christy and said an emphatic "no", as if to say, stop pulling my leg.
As Owen started to approach Audrey, Molly said to him "No, Owen, she's just a baby. You have to be gentle". (This as she violently pushes him away.)
"Oh, Amber, Baby Audrey is so cute. Her nose is so small. Her chin is so small. Her hands are so small. Her feet are so small. Her mouth is so small. She's got big ears!"
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