- Weight: 17 lbs 6 oz, 50th percentile
- Height: 26 in, 40th percentile
- Head: 45.5 cm, 90th percentile (big head like daddy!)
- He started eating rice cereal at 5 months. We can start on veggies now. He hates the cereal, so I hope he'll like the other stuff better. He can have Puffs around 8 months. No honey, no peanut butter.
- I need to take him to get his eyes checked through the free infant-see program that is available to kids 6-12 months.
- His blocked tear duct dramatically improved after he was sick a few weeks ago. I thought it was the antibiotics that helped, but she said that having a cold probably did the trick. He still has a little oozy stuff, so we'll keep his January appt with the specialist for now and cancel if it totally clears up by then. If only I could remember who I made that appt with? If we see the specialist we don't have to do the infant-see eye check.
- He got a bunch of shots and his first flu shot. He's going back in a month to get part 2 of the flu shot. I forgot to bring his shot record so I need to bring it next time.
- He got his first tooth already and we didn't even notice! It's the bottom right front tooth. It's only broken through a little bit, but you can easily see it. The one to the left of it is about to appear as well.
- Meds- We can stop the Mylanta and if he does well we can leave his other doses the same. If he starts to have trouble we can increase the Zantac to 1.6 ml 2x/day and the Zegerid to .8ml 1x/day (mixing instructions for Zegerid did not change).
- He can start practicing drinking from a sippy cup with water with the valve removed.
- We got a little packet from poison control with stickers and phone numbers, etc. You'd think that since I've already called them once I'd have their number handy, but I don't. About 6 months ago, I thought Audrey was playing in a puddle of raw chicken juices (gross!), but it turned out to be just water.
- The stupid Similac company still is in short supply after the recall. We have a terrible time finding his specific formula (the one for spit up). We can switch to Enfamil AR if we need to and give him a little juice every day to combat constipation (like we did for Audrey).
- I made Audreys 2.5 year well check even though the insurance won't cover it. It will cost $116, but I can just cancel it if I don't have any developmental concerns at the time.
- Ethan will be back at 9 and 12 months.
- I need to remember to call the insurance company about a $9 charge.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Ethan's 6 Month Check
Ethan had his 6 month well check today. Here's the scoop and a bunch of notes for myself...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Big toes
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Ewww, Gross
A study in the messiness of toddlers.
Lollipops: rarely a good idea for a toddler.
Audrey loves to paint in the kitchen on her learning tower.
Audrey suffers for her art. (Don't worry, the paint is kid-friendly and non-toxic)
When Audrey had noddles for the first time, Daddy couldn't resist trying the 'Lady and the Tramp' thing.
Apparently Audrey didn't get the reference.
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