Prior to our trip to Houston for the holidays, Audrey had never been in the car for more than 30 minutes. We were a bit worried about how she would handle it. Here we are getting ready to go. She actually did really well. We didn't have to stop even once to take care of her, so we made it in 3 hours. She slept most of the way. We were really surprised and happy.

The car was jam packed with Christmas presents and baby stuff.

It turns out our luck traveling was too good to be true. Coming home we had to stop 3 times- first to feed and change a diaper, 5 minutes later to change another diaper, and 5 minutes later for a meltdown. During the last stop she screamed and cried hysterically for about 30 minutes. We tried everything, but couldn't calm her down. Finally I swaddled her and she instantly calmed down, but I knew I would have to unwrap her to fasten her back in her car seat safely. The SwaddleMe blanket advertised that it could be used in a car seat, but we could never figure it out. Finally, Chris realized that you had to put the wings of the blanket through the arm straps, put her arms through the straps, then wrap the wings around her body. It worked perfectly. She fell asleep immediately and we were able to make it home. This time it took 4 hours. Now, 2 days later she's still catching up on her sleep. I think we wore her out!